You’ve just welcomed a new baby (Congrats!) and you’re thinking about booking a newborn photography session. 

There’s just one little problem. You’re post-partum and you aren’t feeling your best. 

Don’t worry, I get it and I’ve been exactly where you are now. I remember the emotional highs and lows, the sleepless nights, the struggles with body image and I know the care and reassurance that’s required during those first few weeks. 

But I also know that a newborn photography session is one of the best gifts you’ll ever give yourself and your family. 

Years from now you’ll look back on those photos and remember not only those cherished moments with your growing family but the incredible journey you were on as a mum. 

Imagine yourself beaming with pride as you reflect on that special time. 

I’ve photographed loads of postpartum mums in my Westmeath studio — and many of them felt needlessly nervous and self-conscious before walking through my doors. 

Here are my tips for feeling your best… 

Mother and son Motherhood photos Motherhood photography

Do what makes you feel good


What makes you feel most like yourself? That can be a tricky question to answer when you’ve just welcomed a new baby and all of your attention is suddenly on them, but have a think about it before your session. 

If getting your makeup done professionally, makes you feel good, do it. If you feel your most confident after a blowdry, book one in. 

(But know that you don’t have to do either of these things either if you don’t want to.) 

It’s about finding the things that make you feel confident and relaxed — maybe it’s a walk in nature or stretches on a yoga mat — and making a little time for them before you come to my studio. 

Try not to overthink your outfit 

I want every single mum who steps into my studio to feel beautiful, confident, and empowered. And I know that what you wear plays an important part in that. 

New mums often tell me that they no longer know how to dress themselves post-partum. The clothes they once felt good in no longer seem quite right and they’re struggling to find their new sense of style. 

In my book, comfort and confidence are key, and that’s why I provide a wardrobe of clothes for you to choose from. 

mother and daughter in older baby photography session in LM Family Photography Westmeath
LM Family Photography Laura preping clothes for a family photo shoot in Westmeath

Don’t worry about posing 

If you know me, you’ll know my style is relaxed and natural. I’m not about manoeuvring you — or your newborn — into complex and uncomfortable-looking poses. 

So, for the most part, you won’t need to think about poses. I’ll capture you as you are, interacting with your newborn and gazing at them with love. 

And on the rare occasion that we do need to set up a shot or adjust position? I’m here to guide you — I’ll even step in and demonstrate.

Bottom line: Don’t worry, there’s no pressure to strike the perfect pose. If you ask me, it’s the natural, unplanned for moments that make the best shots anyway. 

Talk to me 

If you’re feeling shy, anxious, or insecure at the start of a session, please confide in me. (Trust me, loads of mums do.) 

I’ve been where you are. I have four children of my own, and I know how it feels to be post-partum and rediscovering your body after childbirth. 

If you’re a little nervous, I’ll be mindful of that throughout the session — and don’t worry, I’ll soon put you at ease. 

Take a deep breath — you’re in safe hands 

Years from now, you aren’t going to remember the jitters and insecurities you had before a session. You’re going to look back on those photos and see a courageous woman. 

A brave, beautiful, and empowered woman who brought new life into the world. 

When you step into my studio, I promise you, one mam to another, you’re in safe hands. 

For a little extra reassurance, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your newborn photography session… 

Top tips for newborn photography sessions 

Get an idea of what you like 

If you feel like it, you can get inspired by my galleries so you can come to a session with an idea of what you like (but don’t worry, I'm here to guide you.)

Encourage everyone to be themselves. 

Whether it’s a spouse who feels awkward as soon as a camera is pointed their way or a little one you’re worried will ‘act up’, it’s normal to feel a little apprehensive before a session. 

My studio is a fun, carefree environment where everyone — including your little ones — can be themselves

Remind yourself how amazing you are 

If a little positive self-talk is what it takes for you to find your inner confidence, do it! But don’t worry, if you aren’t feeling your most confident. It’s my job to bring that out in you. 

Make a day of it

This is a very special and exciting day, so you might like to plan some fun family activities before or after so everyone feels their most happy and relaxed.

Know what to expect 

Great news, I’ve written a guide all about what to expect during a newborn photography session. Feel free to give it a read before you come to the studio! 

Thinking about booking a newborn session? Get in touch here.